
142...Sonnet XCII

I drew love...and in an instant you appeared
as I drew the lines that formed your eyes
your gentle face and sweet lips that drew me
slowly into a state of passion magnified.

Your fine aspects I've grown to idolize
with artistic impressions to dignify
articulate verses that glorify
the gravity of your orbit sublime.

Using these hands that once touched you
I outline the depths of my imagination
and bring forth the angel of my dreams

to make you smile with my sincere adulation.
A world without you truly must be configured,
to dwell within the stars of your constellation.



141...Sonnet XCI

Life comes out of my very being
each time I delve into the depths
that compels me to think of you,
and manage emotions that otherwise are unfed.

My breathing slowly intensifies
as I close my eyes to ride the skies,
to play with the memories of your smile
because today once again you're in my mind.

To relieve my aching heart untangled
from the knots that present curses,
and endeavor to make you smile

with my devotion to write these verses.
What judgment should I fear doing no wrong
loving you in my creative ways has a purpose.



140...Sonnet XC

Let me steal your thoughts today because
governing logic has become a cause.
Life is full of lessons to be learned
and this one is yet to be taught.

How to forget what I don't want to,
not be reminded of what is significant;
cast aside the beauty of it all,
make strides to put aside what is innocent.

I must confess my heart still races
at the mere mention of your name
and the symphony of words that comprise

pieces of my heart need to be tamed.
Twenty thee days past the new year
marks a time...I yearn to touch your sweet face.

