
130...Sonnet LXXXV

A man can readily get lost in you
if he had a mind to do so.
To find himself on other side 
of wonder, with you in one soul.

Discover the loveliest treasures
found within the curve of your lips.
In the gentle stroke of your hand
affection that endures as bliss.

You kissed my soul into harmony
and became the teacher of a song.
Along the byways of yesterday

your melody and favors stand strong.
What I've loved, I still do, yet let go.
Rewards of my own I care not to call wrong.





Unilateral disarmament of your senses
is the most dangerous of all precedents.
Naive wishful thinking on steroids,
the highest order of mental deterrence.

Unforgivable audacity has unleashed
unmerciful compassion at a high cost.
Not for the good of all but for the "some"
collectively lost in their "ism's" cause.

The propaganda of front page headlines.
Masters degrees in defective vocabulary.
Effective vocabulary makes too much sense.
Truth is not allowed to ruin a good story.

Haughty trail blazers usher in Utopia.
The stewards of tyrannical fantasies.
That does not include endangered species
of the human kind that think they're free.


128...New York Minute XVI: A Sign

A sign reappears in the sky
no occasion to be worried.
Your sign is at forty second
commissioned for the cursory.

With the likelihood you'll miss
a season that brings change.
A scandal will lead front page,
baseball and the latest craze.

An omen will visit soon
with new horizons forecast.
Whether you believe it or not
will not change matter of fact.

You'll trivialize and label.
Post, text, tweet and gossip.
Three more times it will visit
yet the riddle will persist.
