
78...Sonnet LIV

An unexpected visitor appeared again to me
speaking softly the saddest words of all.
A strange mask hid the beauty I've come to know
A sad resonance anticipated something to befall.

A hurt not privy to welled up in her eyes
wrestled portions out of me indiscriminately.
Then judgment pounded its gavel on my senses
in the saddest words to be let loose on me.

Having heard it in passing many times before
never had "goodbye" been conveyed in such a way.
rippling through my soul as I awoke dismayed.

Do pardon the emotions audaciously displayed.
But before you send me on my way unforgiven,
remember there is no sin in love...only in hate.


77...Sonnet LIII

Baffled by a riddle pressing grossly on me
I dared to utter the murmurs of my heart.
With unfettered candor I broke haunting silence,
confided in you matters confined to the stars.

Chosen to speak as it was given to me
the contents of a tale cloaked in mystery.
Borne as a dream from whence many blossomed
into spectrum's of rainbows the mind had long ceased.

Now an invasion of inconceivable warped dreams
disrupt my affinities for you or so it seems.
And today a trampled heart is left in its wake

for what indeed was revealed reluctantly.
With too much honesty for two to handle,
capricious confessions unwittingly betrayed me.


76...Sonnet LII

Possessor of a few mysteries full of intrigue
unimaginable tales given to me as I sleep.
Whether true or not fantastic as they seem
Who do I believe is the author of these?

If not the one and only who brings them
exclusively to those with wings to soar
high above the dense fog of confusion
through realms of day my soul restored.

A cluster of faith and love carries the day
though frail am I in my wretched mortality.
Choose we must all a master to serve,

not an option subject to rationality.
Where two exist, only one sits above the stars!
Is it He who loves...or him that deceives?



75...Sonnet LI

I pondered, how often was I granted the gift
of being nestled within a perfect hug?
Gazing at my reflection in pools of delight.
Decoding the wondrous mystery of love.

On how many occasions did these hands
draw sensuality from your countenance?
Cross the divide of your clouds of bliss.
Reach the confines of your universe.

Seldom most assuredly, yet not enough
to wipe the fragrance of your perfume.
Sweet aroma impaled in my mind to this day. 

That now more than ever especially full moons
I long hopelessly many restless nights...staring
at the hands that once upon a time touched you.





Sound-scape of silence clumsily barge
with noisy clatters of profound anguish.

Striking vehemently upon the ramparts of logic,
dashing to pieces the heart... now fallen ruins.

This uncanny stillness is not to be misunderstood
The conversations have ended with "taps" drum beating.

How strange to hear the absence of sound so loud
resonating with a pain I am most unfamiliar with.



73...The Old Man

I can hear the sound of my heart
as I lay hear thinking of good.
As things around me take shape
in aspects of destiny's rule.

The old man symbolizing
irrelevant being of the past
An unmitigated clarity
befalls as light unsurpassed.

Moonbeams striking upon my brow
I anxiously await  new moons.
Never have I listened so intensely
to my heart speaking such truths.



72...Sonnet XLV

Three little words you'll hear today
hopefully more times than you ever had before.
Not the three little words on everyone's lips
but three little words that mean so much more.

On this special day meant for you to receive
the accolades and tribute you deserve richly.
Fill the entire day with your charm and beauty
so it overwhelms the doubting heart instantly

and makes this day for you better than yesterday.
In one thoughtful and meaningful breath
receive these three little words from me

just in case you have not heard them as of yet,
repeated not as a courtesy but as you might expect
"I Love you" sweet rainbow of the universe.

